Bylaws and Procedures

FFNCA Bylaws

FFNCA Bylaws

FFNCA Policies


Adopted 12/11/16; Modified 3/3/19; January 2023; September 2023

COVID POLICY: View the COVID policy.

POLICY FOR “ASSOCIATE” MEMBERS:  If an individual is a dues-paying member of another Friendship Force club, and thus has paid the Friendship Force International annual dues through that membership, that person may also be an “associate” member of FFNCA by paying the local component of the FFNCA club dues, thus avoiding double payment of the FFI annual dues.

POLICY FOR REWARDING THE JOURNEY COORDINATOR FOR AN INBOUND INTERNATIONAL JOURNEY: If an individual is the journey coordinator for an FFNCA inbound international journey, the club shall reward that person by paying that person’s Friendship Force International fee for one FFNCA outbound journey that takes place within five years of the inbound journey. 

The fee shall be paid from the club account, not recovered from others participating in the outbound journey. If there are co-journey coordinators for an inbound international journey, or if another individual acts as an assistant journey coordinator for the journey, then the reward – the Friendship Force International fee for one FFNCA outbound journey – shall be shared by the two individuals in a fashion determined by the board.

POLICY FOR REWARDING THE JOURNEY COORDINATOR FOR AN OUTBOUND INTERNATIONAL JOURNEY: If an individual is the journey coordinator for an FFNCA outbound international journey, the club shall reward that person by paying a portion of person’s cost for the journey, based on the number of ambassadors on the journey. The cost is covered at a rate of $100.00 for each paying ambassador. (Modified based on Board action January 2023.)

The costs of this reward shall be recovered from the other ambassadors by including them in the calculation of the charges assessed on the other ambassadors. If there are co-journey coordinators for an outbound international journey, or if another individual acts as an assistant journey coordinator for the journey, then the reward shall be shared by the two individuals in a fashion determined by the board.

POLICY FOR GATEWAY HOSTING: FFNCA generally does not provide home hosting or airport transportation for visiting clubs that stay in Washington, DC as a gateway to or from another Friendship Force journey in North America.

POLICY FOR CHARGING FOR AND REIMBURSING AIRPORT PARKING FEES: FFNCA shall reimburse home hosts for airport parking fees incurred meeting their ambassadors at an airport at the beginning of an inbound journey. FFNCA shall incorporate an estimate of these airport parking fees in the budget for the inbound journey and in the journey fee charged to the ambassadors. 

POLICY FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF CONFERENCE FEES: FFNCA shall reimburse the club president for conference fees, other than room, board, or travel expenses, at which the president is representing FFNCA. 

If another board officer or board member is delegated to represent FFNCA at a conference in the president’s stead, that board officer or board member shall be reimbursed for conference fees, other than room, board, or travel expenses. 

The individual representing FFNCA at such conference must provide to the board a report on the conference before reimbursement will be made. This policy covers attendance at world conferences, national conferences, and regional conferences.

POLICY FOR REWARDING HOSTS IN INBOUND JOURNEYS:  Removed by board action January 2023.